Has Suva Expert Dialogue managed to secure climate insurance?
In the context of Loss and Damage, most financial instruments that have been proposed did not solve the problems faced by the developing countries. In quest of the financial instruments for addressing Loss and Damage, under the Warsaw International Mechanism (WIM), Suva Expert Dialogue at the last inter-sessional climate summit at Bonn, ended on May 3, was organized to deliberate on issues in the mechanisms set up. Suva Expert Dialogue is a dialogue that was agreed on in COP23 and it is meant to provide an important space to raise awareness and push the conversation beyond existing approaches, in particular, risk transfer approaches. The expert dialogue came about in response to a call by developing nations during last year’s COP for a separate agenda item on Loss and Damage to tackle issues related to finance, technology transfer and capacity building while dealing with climate change impacts. An active eng...